Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Twilight =)

After a week of complaints and naggings due to the obstacles which had caused me to miss Twilight, finally, I watched it today with Sook Foon, Jenn Shyang and Wei Min. Yea it's my type of show but both the guys commented that the show was OK, BORED.. The saddening part was, they censored the kissing scene.. It was like OWH suddenly the scene jumped to another part. Haha.


Sook Foon and I made the two guys bought popcorns for us before the show started.
They bought a large one and we shared. I know Jenn Shyang was being nice wanted to pass me the popcorns.. BUT...

He spilled A LOT of popcorns ON ME!!!! The sitution that time was hilarious.. You guys really can't imagine that.. Haha!

I thought I take things too serious in my life but this is not a bad thing. I can't find words to describe you but you really make me heart broken.. Can you think wisely and logically? Do not just see what is happening around you. You test me? You made me gone wild. I just couldn't believe you're doing that on me. Sometimes I just want to forget what you did to me and carry on our friendship just like normal. But you're the one who doesn't want to CONTINUE. I am so annoyed by your behavior these days. It's just making me eye sore.. Life's ain't that simple as you think. Yea this world is full of jealousy. I do not wish to elaborate more on that. But, if you think both of us are comfortable with this kind of situation now, okay, let it be. One thing I can say, I dislike you.

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