Monday, November 30, 2009

Food Enjoyment

I may be small, but I can eat like a sumo wrestler :P Well too exaggerating I guess. I can eat a lot la, just like my friends say my stomach is elastic. Whenever I'm chatting or texting with my friends, for sure the EAT word will pop out in the middle and keep them waiting for my reply. Pretty true? :P However I will take quite a long time to finish my meal. Most of them who have meals with me have to wait for my turn to finish mine.Very true? :P

To compensate the lack of enjoyment, eating is the best way. Yes? No? Well for me I think it is. I feel sad for small eaters because they will never have the passionate emotions when they're having a meal. Just a little bit of food and they will get their stomach bloated. They will never have the ooo aaa ohhhh yummmm feel when they consume something. I love to eat food as well as I love to see food. My eyes will be as wide as the sea. Cannot resist la when I see food. Can you? :)

get my point? :)

wish to throw everything in the soup base don't you?

hey hey you owe me :P

When I am down and out, when I am high and flying, food will be my best friend. Of course, eating will not reach the best if you're eating alone. Companions while eating will add points to the enjoyment.

Finally, bear with the consequences of gaining weight after eating. :) I will stop here. No more ideas to continue. More updates coming up! Tata.

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