Saturday, December 18, 2010


Another Friday and I am home at this hour! Working life is lifeless to me. I feel like staying at home on a Friday NIGHT and recharge myself to be fully energetic on a Saturday! I’ll just summarise up the birthday celebrations on some important people in my life. :) Super backdated but at least I’m taking the initiative to update it!


Chu’s birthday, Marmalde @ The Bangsar Village.


IMG_5729[4] The cafe



76514The birthday lady



76516_1581534211724_1036763398_31431929_6505962_n-tile Clockwise from top left: Xiao Hui, Ping, Me & Shun Yee


76517_1581534891741_1036763398_31431932_501755_n-tile Clockwise from top left, Jiaqi, Yan Yeng, Ka Yee & Lai Kuen


 76519_449820878442_643878442_5533521_2712371_n Theme of the day – white in order to have a remarkable sight of the birthday girl. It failed I doubt because the birthday girl wore a light pink dress which wasn’t super significant among all of us.  Though the mission was unsuccessful yet I feel the harmonious blend on all of us. The picture will even be perfect if all of us were inside – another member in our gang couldn’t make it due to some UNCERTAINTIES. LMAO.



76519_1581533971718_1036763398_31431928_2310282_n The cake which symbolises the 20th of the lady =X


And we wrapped up our night as usual @ Piccadilly.


76521A catch up session with a sip of beer can be contented =)



Yii Wei’s pre-celebration, Royal Oak @ Jaya One.  It’s actually a one month advance celebration as most of them will be leaving to their hometowns after the final exam last month.




Before that, we had our dinner at The Bee, Jaya One.



150200_461713587701_636827701_5600777_6747071_nThe girls. The guys at the other table due to the limited space in this place. Main dishes over here are burgers. No special feedback on the food as I don’t really fancy burgers.  In case anyone of you who wants to know more, google it! =X



150838_461714352701_636827701_5600818_3308990_nYii Wei – who really got a big shock while they were heading the cake towards her since her birthday is way too far from that day we celebrated.



149808_461714247701_636827701_5600813_3244219_nThe privilege of celebrating birthday at Royal Oak is that they will give this liquor for free to the birthday girl. The liquor is called Galliano and it was ignited and burnt for a few seconds and she’s required to finish the liquor as fast as she could with the flame. I had no idea why the liquor must be served in that way. The only thing is know is, the birthday girl immediately got drunk after that. She didn’t vomit neither felt dizzy. She just laughed all the way even though I was just asking her a normal question like: “ARE YOU OK?” lol.



76713_498921746041_564696041_7037233_3292400_n (1) The SAD members. XD


There’re more people who turned up that night but no perfect group picture was taken. Anyway that’s my first time entering a pub without drinking as I had no voice that night – bad sore throat condition. =S. It’s not fun seeing them drinking and I didn’t feel good when I need to reject them when they’re trying to tempt me. ADUH.


Keep yourselves updated! More to come, seriously! I won’t bluff you all. =)

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